Thursday, February 19, 2015

Revolutionary War Art (RJ #5)

Examine the artworks listed.  How did artists portray historical figures and events of the founding of America?  Why might an artist choose to depict such events or figures?  Identify what imagery is used and identify ways in which the artists use history for inspiration.  How does the artist share each narrative with you?  What visual clues lead you to discover what is happening in each scene?  Why might these paintings inspire viewers during the time period as well as future viewers? (300 words)

Washington Cross the Delaware (1851) Emanuel Leutze
Declaration of Independence (1819) John Trumbull
Paul Revere (ca. 1768) John Copley
Washington and Lafayette at Valley Forge (1907) John Ward Dunsmore
Washington and Lafayette at Mount Vernon (1859) Thomas Pritchard Rossiter
James Monroe (ca. 1820-1822) Gilbert Stuart
Lapowinsa (1735)  Gustavus Hesselius
Siege de Yorktown (1836) Auguste Couder


  1. The artists portrayed the founders of America as leaders, sometimes looking divine, strong, and smart. The artists did this through the way that they are positioned, the actions that they are performing in the paintings, and what is going on around them. In the painting of George Washington in the boat, he looks like a force to be reckoned with since he appears to be strong and a good leader to the other people in the picture. I think that the artists portrayed the founders this way because they are important to history and are respected. They also wanted to show people in the future how brave and important these people were. These images were painted because they are such important events in time, and it is helpful for there to be some sort of image to go along with the history. The artists wanted to show these historical figures, which were critical to the founding of America, in a positive light. The imagery in the painting of George Washington in the boat is him being a leader to others. The imagery in the painting of the Declaration of Independence is America coming together as the Declaration is being formed. The imagery in the painting of Paul Revere is showing that he is smart and contemplative. The imagery in the painting of George Washington in his home is showing that he is a down to earth man. The imagery in the painting of James Monroe is showing that he was an important man in government. The imagery in the painting of Lapowinsa is showing that he advocated for Native Americans. The imagery in the painting of Siege of Yorktown is showing the war. All of these paintings are inspired by true events and are shared because the artist made their interpretation of history into a painting. The clues that the artist gives as to what is happening is through facial expressions, as well as the way the people are positioned. These paintings inspire people in the past to show them what was happening in their own time and they could look up to these people. For people in the future, these paintings show what people are capable of and give a unique insight into the past.

    1. I like the way you described Washington as "a force to be reckoned with" because of the civil wording and has a strong tone. It directly relates to Washington's stature. I noticed you used rhetorical devices, such as repetition for the understanding of imagery in each painting. Overall it was concise and flowed neatly.

    2. I liked the way you described the imagery of Yorktown. You put a detailed painting and explained in a short but explanatory sentence. The whole piece came together very well, and all of your details were well thought out.

  2. The artists portrayed historical figures with confidence and position in a strong pose. The people are dressed in luxuriant attire, conveying that they are wealthy and powerful. Many of the men’s facial expressions are serious and profound. Rarely any of their faces have happy facial expressions, except for Paul Revere because he looks like he’s thoughtful and meditative. An artist chose to depict such events because they are important events in history and critical figures of the individuals who contributed to the new ideas of the founding of America. The artists depicted such figures because they might have influenced the founding of America with their knowledge and education. The imagery that was used in Washington Crossing the Delaware, was Washington in a boat with a bunch of other men symbolizing leadership, the creation of the Declaration of Independence, a family, and violence in Yorktown. The portrait of chief Lapowinsa symbolizes tribal culture and Indian people. The artists used history for inspiration in their portraits by depicting events that have been significant throughout the founding of America. The artist shares each narrative with us by portraying what happened in history into a painting. Also the artists share each narrative by positioning historical figures and events specifically in their painting and their visualization of a certain significant event. The visual clues that lead to the understanding of what is happening in each scene are the titles of the piece, the background of the paintings, the clothing, and facial expressions. The detail and scenery in the paintings give a description of where the event takes place and the time frame in which it happened. These paintings might inspire viewers during the time of the paintings because it shows the important events that happened and can lead to the people idolizing the famous historical figures. The future viewers might be inspired by these historical paintings because they are interesting to learn and hear about and are appreciated. Future viewers can be inspired to educate themselves and others on historical figures and be inspired to learn about the history of the past.

    1. I like that you noticed so much of the details of the paintings. You described each painting well, and I could tell you understood why the images were painted.

    2. I like how you said the painting of the Declaration of Independence showed leadership. This was very fell detailed and explained. I enjoyed your response.

    3. I enjoyed your response to the paintings. I liked how your looked at the statue of the people in the paintings. This was something that I didn't think of, and at the same time it made me think harder. Overall, this was well done.

  3. The art from the time of the Revolutionary concentrated on the way people looked and carried themselves. The first painting with George Washington and the other men in the boat reflects on how people felt after the war. They were sailing back to their freedom. The American Flag being held up showed the pride that the whole country had for being Americans. In the painting of the Native Americans, the man was dressed differently and had different expressions than the Americans with their proper clothing. This showed the different cultures that were throughout the country. The painting of the men writing the Declaration of Independence showed how proper and serious they were about the bringing up of this country. The art was very detailed and focused on the way the men dressed. Besides the way they dressed the area that was around them was bright and important because every part of the country was free. The artists took events from this time and depicted the importance of it by creating art that Americans can look at and remember what happened and how freedom was gained. The painting with George Washington showed the strength of him and how the men were fighting for their freedom which was all worth it. The painting of the people by the house showed that all of the people even women dressed proper and very nice too. It was sophisticated to have people know how the war impacted the culture. I think the artists purpose of these paintings were to create a picture of different events that were happening and giving them a visual of the winning of the war. The future Americans that will see these painting will help them know how the war impacted people and the pride that the people felt. It is something that people can look back on and realize how important those historical events were for the outcome of the country.

    1. I liked how you showed the comparison and contrast of each art piece. This was a really well done analysis of the Revolutionary War Art.

  4. The first painting called “Washington Crossing The Delaware” helps to better show the past. This can be seen in the way the painting displays Washington as a hero going into battle. The artist painted Washington in the way that he did to show him as a hero. The artists uses strong imagery in the way Washington stands. There are also visual clues in the painting like the river being almost frozen. This indicates the strong nature of the people rowing. This painting might have inspired others to view Washington as a hero. The next painting called “Declaration of Independence” helps to give us insight into the past. This can be seen in the way that it shows the signing of the Declaration of Independence as a formal affair. This portrays America as a nation that is established. The imagery in the painting is seen in the groomed men. The inspiration can be seen by how classy the signing was. The artist showed the narrative in the way he uses the formal visual clues to indicate the signing went smoothly. This painting was used to inspire the way that people look at America’s government. The next painting called “Paul Revere” also gives insight into the past as well. This painting displayed Paul Revere as a thinker who was shaping America. The artists displayed him show that America was filled with great men. The artists uses imagery like the chisel in order to symbolize the way that he is shaping America. By looking at this painting one can see that the painter used Paul Revere’s status as inspiration. These visual clues lead one to believe the Revere is changing America. Also this painting helped in inspiring many to view America as a new revolutionary place full of new ideas. The next painting that gives insight into the past is called “Washington and Lafayette at Mount Vernon”. This artists portrays the event as a happy time. The artists chose to show this in order to make America seem like a wonderful place. The imagery used can be seen in the young children having fun on the hill. The artist narrative is showed to us which is the pleasant time spent atop the mountain. The visual cues indicate that they are relaxing on the mountain. This painting might have made may view America as a place of safety and comfort. The next painting called “James Monroe” gives us insight into the past as well. This painting portrays James Monroe as a successful man in charge of a blooming nation. The artist chose to show him in this way to improve the way people viewed America. The imagery used in this painting can be seen in the carriage. this shows him using the wealth of James Monroe to inspire him as paint him having power. The authors narrative of a rich man who helping to create a powerful nation. The clues that help to show what is happening can be seen in the carriage he is sitting in to indicate the he is going to do something important. This painting inspired the way that people view James Monroe as a powerful man who is helping to shape America. The second to last painting called “Lapowinsa” also give insight to the past. This can be seen in the way that the artist chooses to paint the indians who were forced off their own land. The artist chose to paint this indian to show the effects of our greedy land grabs. The imagery can be seen in the weak indian. This was inspired by looking at the suffering the indians endured. The artist narrative was to show the hardship that the indians faced during the war. This might have inspired many to look at the mistreated indians with more pity. The last painting called “Siege de Yorktown” also gives insight to the past.This painting shows the aftermath of the siege of Yorktown. The artist might have chose to paint this picture in the way that he did to show how bad the attack was. The artist uses a dark sky to make the picture of the aftermath look menacing. The artist narrative is a devastating defeat. This can be seen in the visual clues with the smoke in the distance to show the burning of Yorktown. This might have inspired many to put more into the fight.

  5. The artists portray historical figures and events of the founding of America by showing in their art George Washington a lot because he was the United States of America’s first president and he did a lot to help start the United States of America. Another example of this was in John Trumbull's painting, “Declaration of Independence” which was the basis of our rights in America. One artist also showed a painting of a Native American which were the first people in the American land. The artists choose to depict these events and figures because these were the things that were essentially the beginning of the Country. The artists use history through Imagery for inspiration because they show the American Flags, to show the American spirit in the paintings and in the paintings of Native Americans and the paintings of Congressmen and the difference between the two cultures and their different styles. The artist shares each narrative with us by basically describing the picture and showing us some special points in the paintings that they put in there on purpose to give inspiration according to history. Visual clues that lead me to discover what is happening in each scene are who is in the picture and the environment around them because those are key visions to understand what the paintings are trying to portray to us. The paintings could have inspired viewers during the time period of these paintings by inspiring them to be like those congressmen to help set a basis for America and be like the native Americans that let the people in to help found the country. They could inspire future viewers to keep the history going and not let the history from the passed be let down. These paintings can really inspire viewers to relive history and remember the time period of those paintings.

    1. Overall, a great writing about these paintings as a whole. Although, you only referenced a couple of paintings and didn't touch base on all of the paintings. Still was a great analysis.

  6. In general, the artists portrayed the historical figures with much esteem. In all of the paintings the figures portrayed with a sense of gratitude for what they have done. Even the portrait of Lapowinsa is painted with Lapowinsa as a good figure. An artist would choose to pick these events or people to portray because the artists could probably see what was truly happening. A brand new country was being born and it had to be documented. The painting by Emanuel Leutze is inspired by the US forces crossing the Delaware River in winter. The work by John Trumbull is inspired by the Second Continental Congress convening to sign the Declaration of Independence from Britain. The portrait by John Copley is inspired by an American hero, Paul Revere. The painting by Thomas Pritchard Rossiter is inspired by George Washington’s home after the war. The portrait by Gilbert Stuart is one of another American revolutionist, James Monroe. The portrait by Gustavus Hesselius is a portrait of Lapowinsa. The painting by Louis Charles-Auguste Couder is inspired by the siege of Yorktown. The artist shares the story of each narrative with the viewer by how the faces are depicted in the paintings. Most of the facial expressions are bland to show that the people are respectful or are enduring tough times, as in Siege of Yorktown. Visual clues that can lead the viewer to distinguish what is going on in the paintings include facial expressions, colors of the painting, and the amount of decor in the painting. These paintings might inspire many people in the time they were produced and in current day because they have inspirational historical meanings. There were no cameras during the time period of the paintings. Only paintings can show an image of what happened. This is why the paintings are so very important, now, and forever.

    1. Overall your paragraph flowed very well and came together nice. I completely agree with your point that the artists who created these pieces would know how to portray the situation better than anyone else.

    2. You have very good analysis of these paintings, and cover the purpose of them very well

  7. The artists characterized the architects of America as strong and confident whether it be a congressman or a soldier. The first painting Washington Cross the Delaware, all of the men with him are ready to fight, although they are all dressed in elegant apparel. It shows the wealth that they have and with wealth the power. It also portrays the confidence all of these men have. They are ready to fight and proceed head on to take on a new challenge. In the Declaration of Independence, it also shows men in fancy apparel. There are no expressions on their faces, and they look as though business is the only thing they are there to talk about. They seem to be standing with a strong structure and are confident in what they are writing. Even the men that are sitting down have a serious look on their face. In many of the other paintings the same clothing and confidence is portrayed. The artists include all of these elements because it was important for the future America to know how crucial all of these events were. The imagery was a big part of the paintings. It shows Washington as a leader in the first painting. It embodied how Washington was a natural born leader. In the portrait of Lapowinsa, it shows how the Native American culture was portrayed by America. The artist uses the writing on his forehead and necklace as a symbol of the Native American tribe in the new America. The artist shares visual clues through the way the men are dressed, their facial expressions, and how that are posed in the painting. They also give clues through the titles of each painting. The narratives are given to viewers by just looking at the paintings. The artists do a careful job to make sure they get all of the details from history into one painting. These paintings may have inspired viewers during this time period to realize what was happening in their own towns. Future viewers may be inspired in a way to be able to look back on their countries past and realize what one person or a group of people can do.

    1. I liked how you covered the topic very accurately and precisely. Your ideas are very well thought out and the response is very thorough and well written. Overall a great response.

  8. In these works on Revolutionary War Art, the painters portrayed the historical figures with leadership, courage, and a reassuring sense. The artists did this in the way the figures were positioned, their stature, what they were wearing, and their facial expressions. The artist might choose to depict such events or figures because they were so important, these people that they painted had played a major role in the American Revolution and wanted these historic figures to be remembered. Another reason that the artist may have chosen to depict these figures and events were to show to the other Americans, to show them what was occurring and to provide hope and trust in the people. The imagery in the painting of George Washington showed him in a boat, leading and providing an example to his men. The imagery of the Declaration is how America is standing up and uniting as a nation to be freed from the British. The imagery in the painting of Paul Revere showed that he was hard working and also educated. The image of the chief shows how Natives were at this time and what it was like for them. The other painting of George Washington had imagery that showed he was a very kind and caring man and was “normal”. The imagery in the painting of Monroe showed that he had an important role in helping for the new government for this new country. Yorktown shows what the war was like and how hard it was for so many people especially those fighting. The artist shares each narrative through the imagery and how people are shown in their paintings, this helps viewers understand what the painting is about. These paintings might inspire people at this time by giving a sense of hope and pride. The paintings show that the British are not fully dominating and that people are doing their best to win the war. This would inspire people to keep going and to keep fighting for what they want.

    1. I really liked this response. It goes into enough detail to do what is needed, but not too much to where it is too long. We also had some same ideas so I should like it. All in all, fantastic response.

  9. The artists portrayed the historical figures in the pictures as powerful, fearless leaders.Every one of them is expressionless and stone faced like nothing would be able to get to them, all they’re worried about is what’s at hand. The artists most likely chose to depicts the figures that they did because they wanted to show the strengths of our country’s leaders. At this time in our countries history we needed a bit of a morale boost to help us get through the hard times of the revolutionary war and these paintings gave the country a little bit of extra confidence. The pictures also captured the greatest events of our country’s leaders and helped to make the moments seem even more iconic and let the citizens not see them as just leaders, but as legends. The polarized focus of George Washington, the sun beaming down on the god-like authors of the Declaration of Independence, the stone-cold stare given to us by James Monroe. These are all examples of how the painters honed in on the historical events and made them even more magical. In every single one of these pictures the painters have made it so that you, the viewer, can feel like you were there in the scene and were part of the history that was was made in every different, unique situation. The painters were also very good at portraying the scenery around the event so that it was obvious what the event going on was. These paintings helped to inspire people of this time by reminding them what they’re fighting for and that their leaders are as much, or more, in the thick of the fight as they each are. As for the viewers of the future, these painters help them to see just how important this moment in history was and why it should be remembered the way that it is.

    1. I like how you used the words fearless and god-like to describe the figures in these paintings. very good vocabulary and use of imagery, and overall a very thorough analysis.

  10. In all of the painting that are presented, the various artists portrayed the historical figures and events quite highly. In all of the paintings, the main way they are presented can be described simply as highly. In all of them, the figures aren’t represented as lowly and in shame but rather they are strong and great figures, except possibly “Portrait of Lapowinsa”. An artist might choose to depict such events or figures because during the time, it was a very important event, not just for the Colonies at the time, and also the future of the United States that came later, but also the world. It allowed for these great moments to be captured and shared in a way other than writing. The imagery in the painting by Emanuel Leutze it was the great George Washington leading the colonist forces across the Delaware which shows him as a fantastic and fearless leader. In the next painting, “Declaration of Independence”, what is being show is pretty self-explanatory based on the title of it. It is all of the politicians gathered together to write their declaration of independence to the British. With the painting “Paul Revere” it is a bit different than the rest, besides “Portrait of Lapowinsa”. It is different in the fact that it is more of a one-on-one portrait of Paul Revere instead of an outside painting like in the others. In “Washington and Lafayette at Mount Vernon” it shows the house of the Washington’s after the war, which shows a much happier and better time compared to the tough ones during the war. For the painting by Gustavus Hesselius, it is different, like the one of Paul Revere in the fact it is a portrait of a person. In this one it is of Chief Lapowinsa, and shows a face of struggle and hardship. Lastly is “Siege of Yorktown” which shows the Colonist forces after the battle there. The artist shares the narrative with us by painting a clear picture that shows what is going on. Not only that, the titles also tell what is going on simply and quickly. Clues that led me to discover what is happening in each scene are the characters, the title, and the scenery. These paintings could inspire someone by showing them that those great figures helped to take down what was then the greatest army in the world and they could do the same possibly. They can inspire someone today because it can show that that no matter how much of an underdog they are, they can overcome the odds.

    1. I liked how you compared all of the paintings and how the artists portrayed the different historical figure in each of them. I also liked how you said it could inspire underdogs to fight for themselves and their own causes and dreams.

  11. The artists of the works shown portrayed figures of the Revolutionary War as leaders, who inspired people to join the cause and were confident in their own cause and selves, and as divine, because they were revered by many people who were fighting in the war. Events of the war in the paintings were portrayed as key occasions that changed the war. In “Washington Crosses the Delaware,” Washington is depicted as a divine leader who should not be provoked. The painting shows him towards the front of the boat in a stance that conveys that Washington is confident in his men and will not back down from a challenge. The painting has a dark background, but shows a stream of light that highlights Washington to be the focus of the painting. It shows that he is willing to sacrifice his life by leading his men into battle and risk his life for them and the cause. The piece “Declaration of Independence” by John Trumbull shows what is happening in the event by putting emphasis on the most important men of the event. He shows Thomas Jefferson sitting behind a desk, writing the declaration, while the other men are standing, or sitting, in front of the desk ready to sign. The artist shows the event because all the men are watching Jefferson intently, waiting patiently for the Declaration to be finished and ready to sign. Other paintings show the important events and figures by putting emphasis on the key pieces to the art and the events as they are known in history. These artists may have inspired people during the time of the war because they gave hope to people that, with such courageous and adept leaders, winning the war was possible with faith and belief in the men who were leading them. Now, these pieces of art can inspire people to fight for what they think is right, just as Washington and other men of the time fought the British and, against all odds, won their independence and liberty.

    1. The thorough analysis of the imagery in each painting is a key element in your response. You noticed the minuscule details of the author's painting and were able to draw accurate conclusions about why they would portray their subjects with divinity and leadership.

  12. The artists portrayed the multiple historical figures that founded America as heroes. They are displayed as proud, strong leaders. The author displayed these attributes of the founding fathers from the stance, expression, and the events taking place in the background to create the appearance of power and bravery. The imagery in the first painting of George Washington crossing the Delaware shows him to be a respected and mighty leader of his men in the boat. He stands proud in the boat, further demonstrating his bravery and impressive presence. The artist may have chosen to display George Washington with such bravery because the founding fathers ware important figures in history and whished to show other people of their time or later the important events that they played a part in. The artists chose to portray the founders as individuals of great leadership, immense bravery, and admirable intellect for future generations. The imagery in the painting of the Declaration of Independence is of the leaders of the colonies drafting the Declaration. The imagery of the portrait of Paul Revere displays him as an intelligent and down to Earth man judging by the tools on the desk. The author may have depicted him this way so that despite his efforts to warn of British troops, he would be more approachable by people instead of a distant historical figure. The imagery in the painting of George Washington at his home shows that he was a social person yet still an influential leader. The painting of James Monroe has imagery showing that he is a prominent political figure who worked for the nation. The imagery in the portrait of Lapowinsa indicates that as a Native American he was dedicated to his culture. The painting of the Siege of Yorktown shows the Revolutionary War in a positive light. The artist’s interpretations of each event and how they wished to display important historical events or figures are show through the details of how people are positioned and their emotions. These paintings inspire future generations with what other people stood for and the lengths they were willing to go to so that they may be achieved.

    1. Your view of the painting of Paul Revere was interesting. Overall this was a well thought out analyasis

  13. The artists portrayed the historical figures in these works in various ways, which depict their status as well as their successes and hardships in which they faced in this era. It can be noted how most of the early leaders of the American Revolution such as George Washington, Paul Revere, and the writers of the declaration of Independence are depicted in regal postures and are are typically shown standing in some sort of light, which seems to almost be cast upon them from the heavens. The successes of these heroes of the revolution are shown quite obviously in these works; however, this contrasts greatly against the way in which Lenape chief, Lapowinza is shown. Like all native Americans, Lapowinza encountered many hardships as he fought, and failed to keep his native land. These struggles are evident in this portrait of him as he is shown in dim light, slouching with a broken expression in his eyes. In this way the artist used imagery to depict the struggles felt by Lapowinza, as well as the feelings of most other native americans at the time. The imagery which is used in the other works, as stated before, would be how the artist highlighted the regal figures of George Washington, Paul revere and the authors of the Declaration of Independence, which included Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson. All of these artists portrayed these figures in regal positions to depict the heroism which they showed in the the time of revolt against the suppression America faced by the British. Visual clues are used by the artists to show what is going on in each of these scenes. For example, in the painting of Washington crossing the Delaware, there are multiple boats with armed men, rowing in icy water with General Washington leading the way as he stared off into the distance with a burst of light from a crack in the clouds above, surrounding his head like a halo. In this way the artist gives the viewer context clues as to where the men in the painting are going as well as the emotions they might be feeling. These paintings may have given the people of the era a feeling of hope and independence as well as pride in their country, they also give similar feelings, including other emotions of remembrance to people today whom may see these iconic works of art.

  14. I really enjoyed reading this essay, you included descriptive detail on some main figures in American history and you also connected authors inspiration to their paintings, and how they expressed that inspiration

  15. In these paintings the founders of America are portrayed as heroes and as very noble people. I noticed that in Declaration Of Independence all of the man are standing in order and paying attention to what is going on. This makes the signing look very professional, and overall betters the image of the patriots. A great example of one of the paintings that portrayed someone as a hero is Washington Crosses The Delaware. The way he is standing in the boat guiding his men shows him as a true hero and leader in the fight for freedom. None of these paintings are particularly bloody. A painting like The Siege of Yorktown could have been very truthful to the event and shown chaos and blood. Instead it shows peaceful agreements being made. This could be used to inspire young men who see this painting to go into the war. By making the battles look clean and not dangerous men could be persuaded into fighting. This is a very deceitful tactic to get people to fight. This is to make the men that founded america seem more noble and above bloody battle, when in reality things were much worse than what is shown in the paintings. One thing that is very obvious to note is that the painting Lapowinsa is much darker and has an overall sad look compared to the paintings of white European men. There is very little color in Lapowinsa compared to the pictures of European men who wear colorful clothes and have colorful backgrounds. It seems to be portraying that the Native Americans are lower than the Europeans. This would be very correct for the time period, as many battles were fought between the settlers and natives at the time, and the natives were being drove off their land. This lead to an overall dislike of Native Americans, and paintings of them like this.

    1. I think my favorite part of this analysis Miles was when you talked about how the paintings showed the peaceful and "right" way to go into war and how it could persuade young men today to do so. Also how you made the connection that the Native Americans had much duller clothing and this could represent the fact that they were considered lesser than the Europeans.

  16. All of the people in the paintings are made to look as if they are very powerful. Most of them had something to do with the founding of America. In the first painting, Washington is shown in a boat crossing the Delaware River with his troops on way to battle. The painting depicts Washington as a strong and courageous leader, which he was. This painting is one of the most famous paintings in U.S. history. The second painting is the signing of the Declaration of Independence. The men standing in front of the table could be seen as the leaders and initial creators of the document. This painting shows the most important moment in the history of America, the signing of the document that declared independence from Great Britain. The artist at the time would not have know the impact this painting would have. It was simply a way to record and show what happened at this gathering. The painting of Paul Revere has a different look compared to the other paintings. Revere has more of a scholarly look, rather than a strong courageous look. In the painting Revere is holding a teapot in his left hand and there are other tools on the table. He looks as if he is studying something. Revere was a silversmith, so it would make sense that he is holding silver in his hand. In the painting of Washington at his home at Mt. Vernon he is still depicted as a powerful leader. His demeanor in the painting makes him look like he is a leader and a man with power. The painting shows Washington after the war. He has guests over; two kids are playing in the yard while the men and women are conversing up on the porch. It seems like a more relaxed time. Most of the paintings that Washington is in show scenes from war or other political events. Not many show him in a “normal” setting. The portrait of James Monroe seems like a normal portrait from his time period. He is shown as an important person, but does not appear to be a strong force like Washington. These paintings might inspire Americans during this times because it shows strong men in the founding stages of our country. This might inspire people now because it shows how tough it was and how hard these men fought to gain independence for our country.

  17. The artists portrayed the historical events and figures in their work as strong leaders of the new nation with grace and poise, as well as the determination to take charge. They are shown as powerful and heroic. An artist may choose to depict such events due to their importance in the history of America. These events are what shaped the United States into what it is today. The Revolutionary War truly “revolutionized” America for its new citizens and these events were crucial parts of the war. Each painting shows such great imagery as the artists were sure to include great amounts of detail that made them so realistic. The painting of Washington Crossing the Delaware accentuates Washington in a way in which he is a fearless, dedicated, and bold leader. The people in the picture are working hard to fight for what they want. The painting showing the signing of the Declaration of Independence has much imagery as the artist included details on each of the men that were there at the signing. One is able to point out the specific historical figures that had an important role in the signing. Each of the paintings used subtle colors, painted on very solid faces on every person, and most importantly made each painting realistic. Each artist shares a story of how the U.S. came to be and how its founding fathers were able to earn freedom. The incredibly detailed images help to show what exactly is going on in each of the pictures as the artists give just a realistic example of what that event and what those people looked like. Future viewers can help use these images in the future to visualize what exactly those days were like and they can get a better feel for believing how it all actually happened, rather than just reading some story about it in a history textbook. They can also almost feel through the paintings and get a mindset of what it felt like to be a part of those important times in which our country was about to win the war against Britain and the strong sense of pride that came along with it.
