Friday, February 27, 2015

American Romanticism Blog

Each response should be  4-6 sentences using quotes from the selection to support your responses.
1) What are the values of Romantics, and how did these values affect the American imagination?
2) Who were the Transcendentalists, and how do their beliefs still influence American life?

3) What darker side of human life was recognized by some major American Romantics?


  1. 1. The values of Romanticism are that they focus on imagination, feeling, individualism, and enthusiasm for nature. They believed that people need to escape from the dirty life of the city and spend time in nature. “Romantics associated with independence, moral clarity, and healthful living”. They thought that city life was wrong and people needed to embrace nature.
    2. The Transcendentalists were led by Ralph Waldo Emerson. “Transcendentalism refers to the idea that in determining the ultimate reality of God, the universe, and self, and other important matters, one must transcend or go beyond everyday human experience”. They were seen as idealists and focused on intuition rather than logic. They were a group of the larger movement of romanticism.
    3. The darker side of human life that some Romantics talk about is original sin and the sense of the wickedness of human beings. “They explore the conflict between good and evil, and the physiological effect of guilt and sin”. They were seen to have the opposite views of Emerson. Even though they were different, they had much in common with the Transcendentalists like the value of intuition over logic.

  2. 1. Values of Romantics are feelings over reason and logic, the power of imagination and the individual spirit, and the beauty of the natural world. A quote that showed how romanticism affected American imagination was, "Romanticism was in many ways an appropriate vision for a nation expanding quickly toward new frontiers." (205). This quote showed how the imagination of America expanded the nation to more ideas and events. These values of the Romantics also helped create new visions to advance the nation.

    2. Transcendentalists were an idealistic form of Romantics. They tried to go beyond regular life through spiritual experiences in nature. "Like many Americans today, they also believed in human perfectibility, and they worked to achieve this goal," (206). This quote was about how the Transcendentalist beliefs still influenced Life because they worked to achieve the goal of perfectibility.

    3. A darker side of Human life was recognized by the Dark Romantic writers. They explored the conflict between good and evil, the effects of guilt, and the dark underside of appearances."Unlike other Romantics, these writers did not believe that the spiritual truths found in nature are all harmless and good." (204). This quote showed in the writing showed how the dark romantics focused on the dark side of life rather than the good side.

  3. 1. The values of Romantics are focused on imagination, feeling, individualism, and enthusiasm for nature. They believed that people needed to go out and explore nature instead of city living. “… which Romantics are associated with independence, moral clarity, and healthful living” (205). This showed the beliefs of Romantics and they influenced the American imagination. They influenced the American imagination by showing their ideas and showing the ideas are important for life which changed ideas.
    2. The transcendentalists were a group of people that were led by Ralph Waldo Emerson and their beliefs were not new according to him. “Transcendentalism refers to the idea that in determining the ultimate reality of God, the universe, the self, and other important matters,…” (206). Their beliefs influence American life by changing the way that they think. It made Americans think of what they believed in and if God was the most important thing in their lives.
    3. The darker side of life was recognized by some American Romantics in the ways that they viewed life. “The Dark Romantics felt that emerson had taken the ecstatic, mystical elements of Puritan thought…”(209). This quote shows that people viewed the lives of Puritans different, especially the Romantics, they shared a lot of the same beliefs except predestination.

  4. 1)The values of romanticism hone in on a person’s imagination and their emotions more than almost any other sort of writing. A romantic journey in any sort of writing was stereotypically set in the open countryside, “which Romantics associated with independence, moral clarity, and healthy living.” (205). Romanticism was unlike the majority of writing during this time that was centered around the idea of rationalism, which was logic over emotion. These values practically created the sense of imagination when it comes to american literature. This was the first boost 19th century imagination that came in a short period of time.
    2)Transcendentalists were a group of writers that had high religious values and used intuition to help explain these values. Another description of this writing group could be found in the text provided, “Transcendentalism refers to the idea that in determining the reality of God…, one must transcend,or go beyond, everyday human experience in the physical world.” (206). Transcendentalist beliefs still influence american society through the use of the sense of intuition that all people have. This again like romanticism, lead people to act on their emotions more than their reasoning and lead to a more optimistic thought process for all involved.
    3)The darker side that was forgotten by some american writer, especially the transcendentalists at the time, was dark side of Puritanism, “its emphasis on Original Sin, its sense of the innate wickedness of human being, and its notion of predestination.” (209). This group consisted of writers like Nathaniel Hawthorne, Herman Melville, and Edgar Allan Poe, they were known as the anti-transcendentalists. This group made sure the darker side of Puritanism writing would never be forgotten. They focused on the human psyche and most pieces they wrote showed the great effect that guilt or a wrong deed could have on them and what the outcome could end up being, in most cases looking at the worst possible scenario.

  5. 1. The values of Romantics are independence, moral clarity, and healthful living. Romanticism enabled ideas from the Industrial Revolution. These values affected the American Imagination because it allowed people to imagine a life as being morally good. “To rationalist, such as Benjamin Franklin, cities represented progress……To romantic writers the city was often a place of immorality….” [205). Romantic writers found peace in nature and the slowness of that lifestyle was more honorable. These people valued feelings over reason and logic.
    2. The Transcendentalists were people who revolve around the idea of understanding the “ultimate reality of God, the universe, the self, and other important matters, one must transcend, or go beyond, everyday human experience in the physical world” [206). These people were practical and believed humans could work to the goal of perfection. Emerson was questioning these ideas and had a view of intuition. He believed in spontaneous capabilities and emotions with reasoning. These beliefs still impact American life because people in the faith work for being acceptable and good in God’s eyes.
    3. The darker side of was recognized by the dark romantics. These people were not supported of optimistic views. This literature focused on Original Sin and wickedness on human beings. These writers “explored the conflict between good and evil, the psychological effects of guilt and sin, and madness in the human psyche” [209). These writers did not believe that the truths found in nature are all humans and good.

  6. 1. The values of Romantics are " imagination, feeling, individualism, and enthusiasm for nature" (204). The Romantics in the 1800s reflected their mindset through their literature. This literature showed the change in society from the Puritan times even though there was still some Puritan values engrained in it. This literature defined the way that Americans think and imagine things, even today. It made people view nature in a more positive light.
    2. The Transcendentalists were a group of Romantics who believed that they must go beyond everyday experiences in order to understand important matters. Emerson, the leader of the Transcendentalists, agreed with Idealism. Idealists believed "true reality was found in the ideas rather than in the world as perceived by the senses" (206). These beliefs influence American life today because the idealists believed that someone could become perfect, which is a goal that many Americans work toward.
    3. The darker side of life that was recognized by the Dark Romantics was that of "Original sin, its sense of the innate wickedness of human beings, and notions of predestination" (209). They corrected the balance of the types of writing in this time by creating darker pieces as opposed to the mystical pieces by Emerson. Before the Dark Romantics most of the literature focused on the good parts of Puritanism and nature. These new Romantics focused on the dark side of Puritanism.

  7. The values of romantics are clear. They valued imagination, feeling, individualism, and enthusiasm overall else in nature. This can be clearly in the following quote “created a new kind of literature that emphasized imagination, feeling, individualism, and enthusiasm for nature… and defined the way we still view ourselves today” (204). This quote also reveals how romantics affected American imagination by causing them to find more in nature.

    Transcendentalists were a group of early romantics lead by Waldo. They thought that in order to answer life's questions one must go beyond the everyday experience. This group of people also left a pronounced effect on american thinking. This is made clear in the following quote “Like many Americans today, they also believed in human perfectibility, and they worked to achieve this goal.” (206). This shows a clear example is the way that transcendentalists made Americans want to strive to be their best.

    The darker side of American life that was recognized by anti-transcendentalists. This can be seen in the following quote “of the innate wickedness of human beings… they explored the conflict between good and evil...madness in the human psyche.” (209). This quote shows the way that anti-transcendentalists saw that humans have a darker side, and that we constantly have to battle and deal with. This clearly shows the way that the darker side of American life was seen and realized.

  8. 1) The values of romantics include them loving the countryside and having independence. These values affected American imagination a lot. These values made people feel that the countryside was the only place for inspiration. The effect on imagination is shown here, “The characteristic Romantic journey was to the countryside, which Romantics associated with independence, moral clarity, and healthful living.”
    2) The Transcendentalists were Romantics who looked very deep into nature and God. They believe that, “that in determining the ultimate reality of God, the universe, the self, and other important matters one must transcend, or go beyond, everyday human experience in the physical world.” Their beliefs still influence American life because today people do things like yoga to separate themselves from the physical world. The belief to transcend beyond the physical world is still present.
    3) Some Romantics didn’t look on life so positively. Some looked at the negative aspects of humans. They were called the Dark Romantics. They believed that, “Emerson had taken the ecstatic, mystical elements of Puritan thought and ignored Puritanism’s dark side…” Some examples of these dark areas are Original Sin, innate wickedness of humans, and Puritanism’s notions of predestination.


  9. 1.The values of Romantics were emphasized on imagination, feeling, individualism and enthusiasm for nature. How these ideas reflected the American imagination was through optimism in the American society. At the beginning of Romanticism, new territories were being discovered. It also was a large part to the reaction of rationalism. Romanticism was a large part of the Industrial Revolution. “To Romantic writers, the city was often a place of immorality, corruption, and death.” Here, it explains how Romantics viewed larger cities.

    2.Transcendentalists, who were led by Ralph Waldo Emerson, refer to the idea that in determining the ultimate reality of God, the universe, the self, and other important matters, one must transcend, or go beyond, everyday human experience in the physical world. Ways that their beliefs influenced the American life is how people became more optimistic. They took older ideas and shaped them to the modern society so these people could relate to what their beliefs were. The Transcendentalists optimistic ideas reflected on the people of the time and made them see hope in the hardest times, “An intense feeling of optimism was one product of Emerson’s belief that we can find God directly in nature.”

    3.A darker side of human life that was recognized by the American Romantics was how there was still unequal rights. There were still an issues of slavery in the northern forefront. Another issue noticed by the American Romantics was abolition. There were organizations put together to stop the mistreatment of slaves. “By 1840, abolitionists had some 200,000 supporters to their cause.” This shows how Romantics showed the problems of the United States through their works.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. 1. Values of Romantics were independence, moral clarity, healthful living, better education, humane prisons, improved factory conditions, and other social reforms. Transcendentalists, a more specific type of Romantic, valued human perfectibility. “They also believed in human perfectibility, and they worked hard to achieve this goal” (10). These values affected human imagination because people began to use their intuition and not their logic. People began imagining with more emotion.
    2. The Transcendentalists were a group of people who were idealistic. This group believed that “True reality was found in ideas rather than in the world as perceived by the senses” (10). Their beliefs still influence American life because they helped new laws come into place, such as child labor laws and working condition laws. These laws have helped the nation grow in education and become industrialized.
    3. The darker side of human life that was recognized by major American Romantics was Puritanism's dark side. “Its emphasis on Original Sin, its sense of the innate wickedness of human beings, and its notions of predestination“ (20). Dark Romantics, like Edgar Allan Poe, prefered to write about conflict between good and evil. They believed that Transcendentalists had only taken the mystical and ecstatic parts of Puritanism.

  12. 1. The values of Romantics emphasize imagination, feelings, individualism, and enthusiasm for nature. American Romanticism reflected, “The optimism of American society at the time and defined the way we still view ourselves today” (204). These values effected American imagination because Romantic writers thought the city to be corrupt and a place of immorality, and death. They deepened their roots in the countryside, which portrayed independence, moral charity, and healthful living. In a way Romanticism was an appropriate vision for a nation expanding quickly toward a new frontier.
    2. The Transcendentalists were a group of Romantics, led by Ralph Waldo Emerson. “Transcendentalism refers to the idea that in determining the ultimate reality of God, the universe, the self, and other ultimate matters, one must transcend, or go beyond, everyday human experience in the physical world” (206). This quote directly points out the purpose of Transcendentalism and their beliefs. The Transcendentalists were seen as idealists, by using their logic perceived by their sense on how they view the world. Emerson’s views of the world were well known, not by his logic, but his intuition. Emerson’s beliefs influenced society because of his optimism and hope that appealed to others in bad economic times.
    3. The darker side of human life that was recognized by some major American Romantics were called the Dark Romantics. The Dark Romantics, such as Nathaniel Hawthorne, Herman Melville, and Edgar Allan Poe, felt that Emerson had ignored Puritanism’s dark side. They also valued intuition over logic and reason and saw symbols in all events. Puritanism’s dark side is, “The emphasis on Original Sin, its sense of the innate wickedness of human beings, and its notions of predestination” (209). They explored the conflict between good and evil, and tried to correct the balance of both.

  13. 1. Romantics broke away from the more reserved values of their time period and introduced new values around imagination, focusing on the individual, feelings, and appreciation for nature. The values of Romanticism spurred literature that reflected the heightened nationalism and optimism in America. These writings described growing cities as “a place of immorality, corruption, and death” (205). Romantics encouraged people to enjoy nature and influenced American’s view of new frontiers.
    2. The Transcendentalism movement originated from a group of Romantics. Led by Ralph Waldo Emerson, they believed “in determining the ultimate reality of God, the universe, the self, and other important matters, one must transcend, or go beyond, everyday human experience” (206). This group mirrored the ancient Greeks philosophy of idealism. Transcendentalism drew on the desire for public reform in the early nineteenth century with the belief of perfecting humanity.
    3. The darker facets of human life that was recognized by the Dark Romantics were the strict beliefs of Puritanism and their views on the values of man. The Dark Romantics did not find the spiritual goodness in nature that others did but rather wrote on Puritan beliefs of “Original Sin, its sense of the innate wickedness of human beings, and its notions of predestination” (209). Some of the influential writers of the time that were Dark Romantics were Edgar Allen Poe, Nathanial Hawthorne, and Herman Melville. Despite their disagreements with Romanticism, the Dark Romantics shared the transcendentalist belief of intuition over logic.

  14. 1) The values of Romantics are mainly focused on imagination, feeling, individualism, and enthusiasm for nature. They thought that the cities were often a place of immorality, corruption and death. The Romantics valued the countryside “…which Romantics associated with independence, moral clarity, and healthy living.” This brought a new vision for Romantics which is to expand across the nation, and quickly.
    2) The Transcendentalists were a group of Romantics who were led by Ralph Waldo Emerson. Transcendentalism states that “… the idea that in determining the ultimate reality of God, the universe, the self, and other important matters, one must transcend, or go beyond, everyday human experience in the physical world.” Emerson said that Transcendentalism was not a new idea, but rather the oldest of thoughts. Their beliefs still influence American Life through human perfectibility.
    3) The darker side recognized by some major American Romantics was based on the darker side of Puritanism rather than the good things only. These people were called Dark Romantics. Examples of great Dark Romantics were Edgar Allan Poe, Nathaniel Hawthorne and Herman Melville. They focused “…on Original Sin, its sense of the innate wickedness of human beings, and its notions of predestination.” They did however have much in common with Transcendentalists with ideas like valuing intuition over logic reason and others.

  15. 1. Romantics completely valued nature over cities and the way of life that nature brought with it. Nature, “which Romantics associated with independence, moral clarity, and healthful living” (205). They felt that they needed to express their feelings in a way that was only possible outside of the confines of cities. They needed to escape the dirt and crowding and focus on the beauty of nature.
    2. Transcendentalists were a group of Romantics who believed “that in determining the ultimate reality of God, the universe, the self, and other important matters, one must transcend, or go beyond, everyday human experience in the physical world” (206). They were idealists who were very practical. They continue to influence American life because they worked to achieve perfection and humans today do too. They believed in intuition over rational thought and some people today still think intuitively, not rationally.
    3. Although many Transcendentalists were very optimistic, there were others who were viewed as anti-Transcendentalists because of their very dark views of the world. They argued over “the conflict between good and evil, the psychological effects of guilt and sin, and the madness in the human psyche” (209)” They believed that humans had a sense of wickedness because they wanted to figure out the mystical thoughts of Puritans. They also wanted to correct the balance between the good and evil of the world, which were seen as very dark ways of thinking during the optimistic time of the Transcendentalists.

  16. 1. The values of Romantics are " imagination, feeling, individualism, and enthusiasm for nature" (204). This quote clearly shows the values of these unique writers of their time. These writers who were willing to go their own way and write based off their emotions and feelings, set the way for American literature from there on out. It opened the gates of imaginative writing for America.
    2. Transcendentalists were a group of Romantics who believed in looking deeper into God's meaning and, and the universe. Even though it was not attainable, they strove for complete pureness described in this quote, “Like many Americans today, they also believed in human perfectibility, and they worked to achieve this goal.” (206). They influenced and still influence American life today because they set a goal for perfectibility which is goal that most people strive towards in today's society.
    3.Not all Transcendentalists were one hundred percent optimistic, and positive on their opinions on the world. There were some writers who viewed the world as evil, and sinful down to the core. These writers looked upon the negative aspects of society, referring back to original sin. They, “explored the conflict between good and evil, the psychological effects of guilt and sin, and madness in the human psyche” (209).

  17. 1. The values of Romantics include emphasized imagination, feelings, individualism, and enthusiasm for nature. To show how big of an impact the values of Romantics made, "Horace Mann fought to improve public education. Dorothea Dix sought to relieve the horrible conditions in institutions for people with mental illnesses. William Lloyd Garrison and other abolitionists struggled to put an end to slavery" (206). All of these individuals were so moved by the values of Romantics that they dedicated their lives to better the society. By having the Romantic era, new and positive ideas flourished.
    2. Transcendentalists are a group of Romantics who think that in order to determine important manners, one must go beyond human experience in the physical world. Transcendentalists had a thought process of, "...intuition. Intuition is our capacity to know things spontaneously and immediately through our emotions rather than our reasoning abilities" (206). Today, that thought process is prevalent around the nation. Many people use their first emotion of something to judge character, and that causes problems in society.
    3. The dark side of human life that was recognized by major American Romantics is that Emerson was thought to have based Transcendentalism off of Puritanism, but that he left out some pieces. To correct that, dark poets created literature that had, "... emphasis on original sin, its sense of the innate wickedness of human beings, and its notions of predestination" (209). The writers worked on these topics to, "...correct the balance..." (209) in literature. Some of these artists include Edgar Allan Poe and Nathaniel Hawthorne.

  18. 1.) The Values ofRomantics and transcendentalists include imagination, feeling, individualism, and an enthusiasm for nature. These values affected the American imagination by being very prevalent in their literature and writing. This reflected a feeling of optimism in the American society which remains today. Romantics associated the countryside with, "independence, moral living, and healthful living", which would likely be a popular feeling of many Americans today.
    2.) The Transcendentalists were a specific type of romantic. These Americans believed that in finding the ultimate reality in the world, one must, "transcend or go beyond, everyday human experiences in the physical world". The ideas of transcendentalists still exist in the modern world in the literature left by transcendentalists like Ralph Waldo Emerson. Transcendentalism is also found in the work of Greek Philosopher Plato, whom Transcendentalists took a lot of their ideas from.
    3.) The darker side of human life which was found by major American romantics is seen through the writing of Dark Romantic writers such as; Edgar Allan Poe, Nathaniel Hawthorne, and reman Melville. Dark romantics emphasized on, "original sin, it's sense of innate wickedness of human beings, and it's notions of predestination". In their works, Dark romantics explored the human mind.

  19. 1. The values of Romanticism were founded upon the ideas of feelings over logic and reason, imagination, individual spirit, and the natural world and all of its beauty. It began to arise from the Industrial Revolution which was based on progress. To Romantic writers, cities were not a place of progress, success, and self-realization; however, they were associated with death and corruption. Romanticism strongly represented America's expansion into the countryside. Specifically, Romantics associated the countryside with "independence, moral clarity, and healthful living." (205)
    2. The Transcendentalists were a specific type of Romantics whose purpose was to go beyond everyday life and really strengthen their spiritual lives through nature. They believed that "transcending" meant to go out into the spiritual world, past the physical world. The creator of Transcendentalism, Ralph Waldo Emerson, believed it was not a new philosophy but rather so one of the oldest of thoughts that was now being shaped. As quoted about Emerson, "He was the most influential and best-known member of the group." (206) They were all idealists, however, in a much larger and broader sense.
    3. The dark side of major human life represented by some Transcendentalists was death, sin, human's wickedness, and predestination. Some famous Dark Romantic writers were Nathaniel Hawthorne, Herman Melville, and Edgar Allan Poe. Dark Romanticism had many similarities with Transcendentalism as it too valued understanding over logic and reason. "In their works, they explored the conflict between good and evil, the psychological effects of guilt and sin, and madness in the human psyche." (209) These were the main ideals of the Dark Romantics and they expressed these through their writing.

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