Tuesday, April 21, 2015

“Is Race for Real” BLOG (R.J. #8)

Read http://www.pbs.org/race/001_WhatIsRace/001_00-home.htm then complete Reaction Journal #8 (300 words)


  1. People have imagined this idea that race is what caused slavery throughout the world, but slavery really started long before Europeans bought and traded Africans and I don’t think that most people know that. I know that most people today believe that Europeans were the first people to practice slavery, but it started long before that with societies enslaving people because of war or other reasons. So many people believe that slavery happened only in America and only because of race. Another thing many people may not know is that genetic variation is consistent throughout all of humanity. Most people think that two people from the same race are very close to being genetically similar, but that is not the case. Two people from one race are as genetically different as two people from completely different races. For example, two Indian men are as different as one Indian man and one French man. Race does not make someone genetically similar to someone else; there is no correlation between that. Another thing that might be new to some people is that most traits are inherited independently from each other. There is no correlation between many people from one race having very similar hair color, eye color, or the same ability to do something. All of those are completely independent and it is possible for two people of the same race to look completely different. In my experience, I once saw two young Mexican men together. One had the stereotypical dark hair, dark eyed,and tan skin most commonly seen on people of the Mexican race. The other had light blonde hair, blue eyes, and fair skin. The difference was such a shock to me that most people don’t realize how closed-minded they are to differences between two people of the same race.

  2. Race is something that does not affect ability in any way. People from different races are likely to be different than people in their own race. Race does not affect how one person does things or another. I liked these facts because they enhanced my view on the fact that race really is something that is just on top of the person, it does not change who they really are. When people were first characterized they were put into groups based on religion, language, and region where they were living. Now people are described by their outer appearance, the color of their skin is what many look at. I enjoyed that these facts went into depth on how African Americans and others first became slaves. It was not because of the color of their skin or anything to do with race, they were enslaved because they had either lost a war or their territory had been captured. I found a fact that stated even though race is not biological, racism is based on a genetic part of the person, looks. This struck me in a different way, I knew that racism was active in society but I did not know it was limited to something as simple as the appearance and color of skin, I thought it was deeper. I did not like that these facts did not really go into depth on how racism changed how people were thought of. I think these facts on racism really did open my eyes again to how racism is present everywhere and that I can make a difference. The idea of racism is not a good one and if people work at it society can change how it affects people. I really learned very much from these facts and enjoyed learning about them.

  3. On the web page that discussed the facts about race, I found it interesting that race was a modern day idea. I had not thought about people in ancient civilizations and how they viewed race before. As the web page states, the ancient people were not prejudice against other people because of their skin color. The website said that, in the past, people were categorized according to their personal beliefs, such as a religion, social class, or their wealth. It also acknowledged that slavery had existed before the idea of race had. I think that we still categorize people by these factors, but in addition we view race as the predominant difference between people. I think that, in today’s times, we should take into account the fact that race and other physical differences were not a contributing factor of discrimination in the past, so they should not be in the present or future. I think that some people use their race as an advantage over others, but the website notes that any two random people from the same race could be just as genetically different if they were not belonging to the same race. I think that something society as a whole could learn from these facts is that race is not as important as we make it seem. There are many social injustices that we hear about today that could be solved if people did not use stereotypes to assume characteristics about people that they might not have. Just because the color of people’s skin is different, it does not mean that anyone deserves to be judged. I agree that just ignoring skin color is not the solution to solve racial injustice, but instead we have to celebrate people’s differences and heritage because it is part of what makes us all unique.

  4. In our world today, a lot of people think that race is based on color. Americans often categorize people on wealth and color or where they live. Do they live in the heights or in the suburbs? Today, there are more racial problems than people think. Many people think that race is just based off color or religion. When it says that people were not divided by physical features but by religion, class, or color, it showed me that people based others off of where they came from but not who they actually are. It also talked about how one of the main ideas when America became a free country was equality. I blankly read this portion because America was the top carrier for slaves when slavery was an economic power. Reading about how other “races” would enslave other “races” it showed that many races thought they were superior to others. Many people do not recognize that not one race is any better than the other. When the race concept grew, it was mainly pointed towards Native and African Americans. Many people saw them as a lower race and believed they should have more power than them. Race cannot be categorized. There may be an Italian with light skin while others have dark skin. This does not mean he is not Italian, it just means that he only has a different skin tone than the rest. Our society today bases “races” off of what they have experienced before. They do not look into how other people may have a different colored skin, but can still be from the same country as someone with darker skin. Overall, racism is still in the world today, and this website showed me that people are being taught to base people on their race: color, religion, how/where they live. Race is not about those characteristics. Society needs to focus on reaching equality rather than discriminating against races that are not “worthy” of others. Someones race does not affect their ability to do anything that someone else from a different race can do.

  5. The website article titled “Is Race for Real?” does a good job of delivering knowledge to a person with simple knowledge of what race, slavery, and their relationship are. I thought that the PBS website’s presentation method worked well because the essential and interesting facts about race were shown to the reader in an easy to use format. I liked that each slide of the presentation had a link to a larger article related to the specific idea addressed in that point. I found that the ten facts that were presented on the website were informative and brought me to think more about issues relating to race I have not considered before. I did not know that the concept of races did not exist in the ancient world, but was a modern construct. In ancient times, people were subjected to prejudice not because of their skin color. Instead, enslaved or persecute people were targeted for their dissimilar religious beliefs, their social status, the amount of money or trade goods they possessed, or the language that they spoke. However, I was not surprised that there is not a single gene that determines the characteristics of a race. A person’s genome contains genes many genes that all have a combined effort of determining pigmentation, bone structure, facial features, and many other components that make up a ethnic group. The website makes several notes that slavery had existed long before the invention of race, the early economy of the United States of America was based around slavery, and the US was based around the idea of equality for all people. These points lead the reader to the conclusion that racial bias was an invention to circumvent the ideals of equality in a free nation so that ancient practices could be continued for profit. The webpage also makes an important point to the reader that genetic diversity is not greater between races than it is within a specific race. I found the webpage to be an informative page that would give insight to the real motivations behind racism in the modern world.

  6. Since the beginning of time, God has made every human being different and unique and we are called to treat each other as brothers and sisters. When people began settling in America, it was an instinct to categorize races, classes, and religions. From the start of colonization human beings were classified, like science experiments, and put into groups. More bad has been inflicted on different races, such as African Americans. Slavery became predominant with white people as slave owners, who discriminated against their race. African American’s became slaves as a result of conquest for war and the needed help in white land owner’s fields. They were sought out because they were seen as less than nothing and white slave owners took advantage of their strong build and strength. On the subject of race and freedom joined as one, it connects with the lives of the millions of slaves who never were granted American Citizen Rights and or seen as a human being. The color of an individual’s skin doesn't classify them as a theft, terrorist, or any derogatory name. Someone’s skin color doesn't classify who they are as a person and many people can’t see past the color of their skin tone and misjudge their character. Every color of pigment on a human being’s skin is stereotyped and not even colorblindness could end racist fanatics. From eye color, skin color, and to hair colors are all different qualities of a person that are connected to one’s racial mind. I despise how dark and light characteristics of a person categorize them, such as Mexican, Latino, African American, Caucasian, etc. The color of someone’s skin blinds individuals of seeing the true values and special qualities of a single person. It’s foolish to judge somebody by their skin tone, let alone their physical appearance because that’s social injustice and all humanity should be treated with dignity and respect.

  7. My reactions towards, “Is Race for Real” is that our world is made up of many different cultures, but that doesn’t mean that one should be respected over the other. The world today thinks of certain people differently because of their race. This is unlike the Ancient society because during that time people were classified by their religion, social class, or language. I think that since different races of people don’t have different genes than they are no different than another race just because a color difference. Society has changed since the times of slavery, but still older people that were alive during that time have those memories within them. In history certain groups of people were enslaved not for their race, but for being an enemy in war. This idea should play out in modern times because when people are should not be targeted just because their ancestors are different than someone else. I think that “race” has a big impact on society still today and like the 6 fact said, humans are the most alike species. This means that everyone should have an equal right in religion, sports, and government. This website did a good job of putting racism in perspective and how the modern world has still been running into the same problems as it was a long time ago in history. The 8th fact was interesting because it was saying that two Korean people could be equally as different as another Korean person and an Italian person. This makes sense because many diverse race’s live in the United States and are equally as alike or different than another race in dignity. These facts also makes me think about the Catholic Faith and how they think everyone is created equal in God’s eyes. Another good fact from this was that the color of someone’s skin is just a pigment and doesn't affect any other characteristic of their body, mind, or soul. This site was a good reminder that everyone should be treated equal.

  8. This website makes a great argument that there is no differences between the races, and that the only differences that are seen are stereotypical. One of my favorite points that is made is that there is no gene, characteristic, or trait that separates the races. Many stereotypes say that one race is better or worse at something, but that is not true as all people are exactly the same regardless of race. Another point that is notable is that race has negatively affected society by allowing social inequalities to become the norm. A big example of this in todays media is the argument that white police officers brutally treat African Americans. There are numerous examples and videos of these events and they show the cruelty of racism. Social inequality is present in many other places and is a constant problem. The issue of police brutality is nothing new, as hate between the races is something that is common in society. It is ridiculous, but the small differences in how people look have drove them to hurt and even kill people of other races. A cruel example of this is how native americans were treated by new settlers in america. All of their land was taken and most Native americans were killed. Those that weren’t are forced to live on small reservations that offer very little. Hatred doesn’t just come in the form of physical violence, but also in the form of laws that limit certain races. This was a big issue in america and took a huge civil rights movement to change things. I like how the website presented its facts and argument about racism. The short facts at the bottom of the page give a quick and convincing argument. It doesn’t bore you with long reading and it is just long enough to get its point across well.

  9. From a very young age, most people on earth are able to identify race, as in whether a person is asian, or white, or whatever other color a person could be. The, "Is Race for Real?" article on pbs.org answers questions about race which not every person would know instinctively in today's society. The first idea is that, race is not an ancient idea, in fact ancient societies did not categorize people based on their physical features; rather, by their social status and wealth. I find this fact very interesting as I feel that people usually just assume that people have always been conscious about race and ethnicity, which turns out to be a very wrong assumption. Another fact from the website is that race has no genetic basis, meaning that there is no distinct genetic detail in a race which distinguishes it from others, also., as it turns out slavery actually predates the age of racism in the world. As an American I believe it would be easy to conclude that slavery has always been a cause for racism in the world. In other countries however, slavery was a completely different situation than the one we had going on in America. This website offered great information on these subjects; although it wasn't thorough, it was enough to make one question why people even worry about race. It made me question why America society as we know it in particular, consists of such racially isolated communities. I understand how much of this is due to the early history in america, and the rapid immigration of people to here. Many minorities faced tremendous amounts of mistreatment because of the color of their skin. The website bearings up that the United States, from it's very start had an economy based largely on slavery, therefor most people have a consciousness of race within them, however the website also adds that pretending not to see color, is not helping the fight against racism. I agree that it is not enough to simply say that you are blind to the fact that one of your peers is Mexican or another is an African American; you must work to identify these differences and of work to make these people seen as equal, not only to you but to the world. This website was extremely valuable in educating about race and explaining just what it is, it's very short and sweet but it does an excellent job at educating the reader.

  10. I found these facts on race to be very interesting and although I thought I knew all there is to know, turns out I’m wrong. One of the most compelling facts was the fact that America is the only country to have used slaves as well as social prejudices, solely because other people had different colored skin than the Americans. It is crazy to think that just due to someone’s skin color, they can be perceived by others as a completely different kind of person. I also did not realize how race is a modern idea. I knew that in past societies, people were often divided by religion or social class, but I never thought about the fact how they never divided them due to skin color. Another thing I thought was interesting is how no characteristic sets races a part besides the color of their skin. Other than that they are all the same. This is a concept that is obvious, but it is not something i always think about. How literally every single person is the same except their skin might be a different color. Something I learned from this article is how differences are between races, but within them. What it said was how if you took two Japanese people and then a Japanese person and a Swedish person, the two Japanese people would be just as genetically different than the Japanese person and the Swedish person. I realized from this article how race is indeed a social idea that has led our governments to make it advantage to be white which does not even make sense, but due to our country’s past, that is how it is. Lastly, I usually say “Well racism is only an issue because people talk about it,” this article said how ignoring racism will not help it, however, if we can dig deep and find out where specifically the issues are limiting certain races of the same rights, then that is where it will be solved.

  11. These ten facts by PBS in the article are a little eye opening. They definitely present true facts that make some sense, but they don’t offer a reason why some people look different than others. I’m not saying that race exists or it doesn’t, I’m just saying that the ten facts offer quite a biased view of the situation. They can blind everyone with different facts about how there is not truly any difference between an Asian and a European, but they miss the key part that people distinguish “race,” and that is appearance. The ten facts fail to explain why people look different than others. The facts show that race could very well be a made up fasit of the human mind. Nobody is truly different because of the color of their skin, nor are they truly the same because of the color of their skin. The ten facts just fail to say why people are physically different. Before this article I had no idea that there is not much difference between races genetically. This helped me actually understand the title. When I first saw the title I thought, really? are they actually asking this? I thought this, not because I am racist, but because I thought that it was a well known fact that their are different races. This has been the case forever. Even as far back as the Old Testament races are mentioned. It has always been a part of life to distinguish people by race, but to not discriminate against races. Races has always been a part of society. It would be very hard to rid people of thinking that races exist, but as peresented in the article, facts show that races might not actually exist. They could just be humanities way of distinguishing people from other certain people. This article really makes me look at the topic of race in a different view.

  12. In the online article titled “Is Race Real?”, the definition of racial segregation is clearly given. This article explains what racism is, and helps people understand the specifics of race. Some examples of the explanation include that racism is a modern ideology, race is not at all connected to one common characteristic, gene, or trait that people share, American slavery started the revolution of prejudice against people with darker skin tones (when in previous slavery times, people were not enslaved and looked down upon due to their race), and racial issues created more freedom in the United States (in laws against prejudice actions towards any race). Racial issues have become more prominent since slavery began. Not all races have been treated equally in the past. Examples of races that have not been treated equally (other than african Americans) include the concentration of Japanese people during World War II, the mistreatment of hispanic field workers, the near extermination of Native American people (it began as soon as the immigrants came from various parts of the World, but it progressed as slavery was occurring throughout the country), and the and now we currently are dealing with the mistreatment of people from the Middle East. When the twin towers were attacked by Al Qaeda, our nation began to mistreat all people that are from any Middle Eastern country. Since slavery made racial problems seem normal, some United States citizens are not shocked by the horrible judgement and prejudice behaviors towards Middle Easterners. The article also points out that human subspecies do not exist. Humans are made up of the same genetic material, the only difference is that we appear different. It is not like one race is a penguin and another race is a bald eagle. Penguins and bald eagles are not even close to having the same genetic material, they just both happen to be birds. Humans may act different, but what is underneath the skin is made the same.

  13. When I read and did some activities on Is race for real it showed that race really has a lot of different features to identify someone. Sometimes it shows that the skin color of the person is not always the same based on what actual race they are such as, Indian, black, hispanic, or white. I thought this website Is Race For Real was a great source of information about the different races in the world and the differences between each race. Some races have multiple skin colors or some have mainly one skin color, but it just goes to show the diversity in most races. This site connects skin color of the race with the religion and social background to combine into which is ultimately the whole real race. So in a sense race is for real if we are answering that question of the title of this topic. I really liked this source of knowledge because it was a website and you didn’t have to read a paper copy of something, and I also liked how it gave just short bullet points to sum up the topic. Another thing I liked about this source was the side bars that you could do activities and extra description to do or to better understand the website. I liked how the gave us pictures to match up the race and it was sort of hard because you can’t define a person by their skin color alone, you need more information to define someones race. Overall this was a great source of info on the topic of defining someones race. It helps us figure out that not every time you see someone with a different skin color means that they are a different race than you, even though most of the time they are, you can never know for sure unless you you know anything about their background.

  14. Race is for real, but it does not mean that people of different races should be treated with any less respect or dignity. All race is the color of your skin just as much as it’s the accustoms that you grow up around and learn. No matter your race and gender the bottom line is still that God made all of us as equals and there is not one person on this earth thats life if worth more than the rest of us. Race to some degree will always find a way to define who we are, but at the same time we humans should be taking it upon ourselves to define who we are individually so that we are not defined by the society that we live in. As a society we have began to respect people of different races and learn that skin color doesn’t mean anything, it’s only what you personally make of it. If you want to see in a “colorless” sense you can, furthermore if you cannot get over the idea that God created us all unique than that is your own personal problem and you will have to sort that out yourself. God created us equal and unique. He loves every single one of us no matter what a person may have done once the world, as a whole, opens their eyes to this fact then we can finally move on and live in peace together instead of a world that is filled with war and destruction all around. This was God’s wish when he created us and I hope that someday the world can give him the satisfaction of being able to see his dream come true. Once this day comes the world will truly be at peace, hopefully once and for all.

    1. I found what you said to be both powerful and true. I enjoyed the way that you said it as it is rather than tip toeing around the topic of race. Overall, I found what you wrote to be extremely deep and thought provoking.

    2. I found what you said to be both powerful and true. I enjoyed the way that you said it as it is rather than tip toeing around the topic of race. Overall, I found what you wrote to be extremely deep and thought provoking.

  15. The majority of people in today's world can identify different races. There are plenty of stereotypes associated with different races about hair color, eye color, physique, and skin color. There are no specific characteristics for a person to be a certain race. As it says in the pbs.org article on race,”Is Race for Real?”,” Modern humans haven’t been around long enough to evolve into different subspecies,”. Not until we have been on Earth a lot longer will race be decided by specific genetic traits. Race has not always existed. Only as of a few hundred years ago did we start to classify people based on their appearance. People were classified by their religion or wealth. This can show that race was not important to early people and civilizations. There is no reason behind race. Just because you are a certain race does not dictate what type of a person you are. The ten small facts on the main page are also very interesting. One of the facts is that race has evolved over time in America. It appears as though race got its start through enslavement. People would enslave other groups of people that all looked similar. There was no knowledge about them other than they all had the same color skin. This trend continued in America with the mistreatment of African Americans, Latinos, Native Americans, and Asian immigrants. One of the facts is that racism will not end by just ignoring race. People need to understand there are different races and cultures, but we are all human. No one group should be favored over another. Racism can only end if every person tries to do something to end it. There is no reason for it. God made us all, so skin color means nothing, the only things that matters is what is inside a person.

  16. From this website I found most of what was on there to be true. This first idea that I found to be interesting is that racism in a modern idea. I found this interesting because I thought that racism was an idea that started hundreds of years ago; however, according to this website people were originally distinguished by class rather than race. Personally I found this to be thought provoking and deep because most people think that racism started hundreds of years ago but in actuality it did not. The next fact that I found to be true is that there are no subspecies of humans. This makes one think because that in turn proves that we are all genetically equal. This is due to the fact that not one race of humans is better than the other but rather we just only appear different. This leads to the next fact that race has no effect on talents. I find this to be true because you can just look at modern day athletes like Yao Ming who play sports that defy racist stereotypes. Both these heros clearly show the way that race does not have any affect on your athletic talents. The next fact that I found to be interesting was that being “colorblind” will not change racism, but rather we need to accept each other for who we are. Also we all need to look beyond physical appearance. If we do this then we will be able to end all racial prejudice and injustice. Overall, we as a species need to come to gather and stop injustice wherever it might be, and we as a species need to unite in order to help those who have been affected by this horrible mistreatment. In the end we all just need to look beyond skin color and see that there is more to humans than just race.

  17. In the article “Is Race Real?” published by PBS, it shows that all in all, race is a relatively new idea and that it had absolutely no effect on life. It states that race is a modern idea and that ancient societies did not divide people based on their physical appearance. So why is it a topic that has become such a big deal? If people didn’t make race into something that is important, then racism would be just a thing of the past. There is absolutely nothing that makes people of one race different than people of another, so why does discrimination have to happen? On a different note with something more positive, with each coming generation, racism is on the decline, as shown by many articles, such as the one by psychology science. This is great news for everyone because it shows that we, as people, have begun to run away from this ugly past that has been present for a much too long time. To go back on the topic of the article, on if race is real, it is real but very loosely, and only in the fact that people, on the outside only, look different. Besides that fact, they are exactly the same. It’s not like two different races of people are different species of organisms. It isn’t the same as comparing a great white shark to a clown fish. They are both fish, but completely different on the inside and the out. Humans though, while they can be different on the outside, are exactly the same, with no genetic basis unlike animals. All in all, race is present in society, and it will for a long time, but with each coming generation, it will be becoming just one more object that will be left in the past.

  18. From what I read on the website, "Is Race for Real" I learned quite a few things.I Learned that physical racial categorizing was not even a thing until a few hundred years ago. Before this, people would categorize races through traditions, practices, religions, and traits that can not be traced through eye sight. Race is not an old concept, in fact long forgotten societies did not categorize people based on their physical features, like I mentioned earlier, but instead, by their social status and wealth. I found this very interesting because I feel that people usually assume that it has always been a normal thing like in today's world to judge someone off of their physical appearance, then categorizing them into races and ethnic groups, I was wrong. I also noticed that from the website "Is Race For Real?' that race has no genetic basis, meaning that there is no distinct genetic detail in a race which distinguishes it from others, also, slavery comes fro way before most people think it did. I came to the conclusion thanks to the help of this website from the PBS organization that one should not categorize a human being that God created on this earth into a racial group just based off of their physical traits, but instead to look inside the person and get to know them and the unique gifts they have to offer. To look at the person's mental not physical qualities and then and only then can you make a good judgement of someone's personality and opinions after that change of attitude.


  19. The article “Is Race For Real?” written by PBS provides a good argument questioning whether or not race is real. Before reading this article I did think that race was real. I was surprised by the fact that race has no genetic basis but I had never thought about it or read anything about it before. I also learned that two random Koreans would be as genetically different as a Korean and Italian. I have also never heard that race is a modern idea. I have always assumed that people since the beginning of time identified different races and identified themselves as a specific race. I did know, however, that in the past different groups of people often enslaved each other as a result of war and conquest and not just purely because of their skin color. I found the idea that “race and freedom were born together” interesting because I have never heard this before. I agree with PBS because using the idea of race would have made it easier to justify America’s reasons for enslaving African Americans and denying them basic human rights. I also agree with PBS when the article says that “Skin color is only skin deep”. Genes for skin color are not related with the genes for any other psychical traits. I disagree with the article when it says that the government is responsible for creating advantages to being white. I believe that society as a whole is to blame for racism. This article taught me that racism is a real and prevalent issue in need of being addressed.
